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For further processing only. Others Streptavidin rec. inactive Poly Streptavidin rec. inactive, Poly frozen solution Streptavidin rec. inactive, Poly 07613336133071 0.25 GAI, 2.5 GAI, 16 GAI CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as "Streptavidin rec. inactive, Poly". Unit of measure is "g active ingredient". Streptavidin rec. inactive, Poly 11922122103 Not Available Reagents, kits en Blocking of interferences in immunoassay formats employing streptavidin/biotin-system. en Streptavidin rec. inactive, Poly is designed as a specific blocker for streptavidin directed interactions derived from patient sera. en Appearance: Opalescent suspension Function test on Elecsys® TnT hs: Corresponds Unencumbered based on reference (1 week, +35°C, only loaded R2): Corresponds Stability: At -60 to -90°C within specification range for 12 months.