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Let's connect - see contact details for your local CustomBiotech team below

United States


Roche Diagnostics Corporation

Roche CustomBiotech
9115 Hague Road P.O. Box 50414
Indianapolis, IN 46250-0414, USA

[email protected]

Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America

Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH

Roche CustomBiotech
Sandhofer Straße 116
68305 Mannheim, Germany

[email protected]

Asia Pacific

Roche Diagnostics Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd
8 Kallang Avenue
#10-01/09 Aperia Tower 1
Singapore, 339509

[email protected]



Roche Diagnostics
201, Boulevard Armand-Frappier
H7V 4A2 Laval, Québec

[email protected]