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For further processing only. Others MAB33 IgG1 MAB33 IgG1 lyophilizate 11200941103 MABM-33-IgG(DE),SQ MAB 33 MAB33 IgG1 14038377155460 Reagents, kits custom fill Not Available CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as "MABM-33-IgG(DE),SQ MAB 33". Unit of measure is "g active ingredient". Immunogen: h CK-MMSpleen donor: Mouse Balb/cAntibody class: IgG1, kappaPreparation: Lyophilized from a solution containing potassium phosphate and NaCl. No further preservatives are added. en MAB33 IgG1 is used for test formulations employing intact IgG1. MAB33 IgG1 is especially suitable for the elimination of monomeric and specific interference. en Appearance: White lyophilizate Solubility: Clear, colorless to slightly opalescent solution in NaCl, 0.9% (c=10 mg/mL) Protein (Biuret): ≥0.7 mg protein/mg lyophilizate Purity (HPLC / Mono Q): ≥90 area% IgG of total protein Functional activity (relative titer based on master lot determined by MTP assay): ≥80% Recommended working concentration: 50-5,000 μg/mL incubation buffer pH 5.5 treatment (30 minutes): Corresponds to specification Stability: At -15 to -25°C within specification range for 24 months. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. en