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For further processing only. Others MAB H-S-Amy M-Tu66C7 IgG MAB<H-S-Amy>M-Tu66C7 IgG lyophilizate 11543601103 MAKM-Tu66C7-IgG(BR)SQ MABM-Tu66C7 IgG Reagents, kits custom fill Not Available CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as "MAK<H-S-Amy>M-Tu66C7-IgG(BR)SQ". Unit of measure is "g active ingredient". The combination of MAB<H-S-Amy>Tu88E8 and MAB<H-S-Amy>Tu66C7 inhibits the human salivary α-amylase ≥97% while maintaining the activity of the pancreatic h-α-amylase. en Immunogen: Human salivary amylaseSpleen donor: Mouse Balb/cAntibody class: IgG1, kappaClone: Tu66C7Cross reactivity to h-pancreas α-amylase: ≤1 U/gW en For measurement of acute pancreatitis (pancreatic α-amylase) in human serum and urine selective blocking of salivary α-amylase isoenzyme is achieved in the presence of the pancreatic h-α-amylase. Qualified for the cobas® platforms. en Appearance: White lyophilizate Solubility: Clear colorless solution in NaCl, 0.9% (c=10 mg/mL) Protein (Biuret): ≥0.7 mg/mg lyophilizate Purity (HPLC / Mono Q): ≥90 area% Function testing (synergetic effects at +37°C): h salivary amylase + MAB : ≤3% amylase activity h pancreas amylase + MAB <S-AMY>: ≥98% amylase activity Stability: At -15 to -25°C within specification range for 24 months. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. en