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For further processing only. Others HawkZ05 Fast DNA Polymerase 200 U uL HawkZ05 Fast DNA Polymerase, 200 U/μl mutant from Thermus species Z05, recombinant in E. coli, glycerol-free solution 07 731 329 103 7 731 329 103 07731329103 7731329103 07731329103 HawkZ05 Fast DNA Pol, glyc-free, 200U/ul HawkZ05 Fast DNA Polymerase, 200 U/uL 07613336131855 Reagents, kits custom fill Not Available Will be supplied as "HawkZ05 Fast DNA Pol, glyc-free, 200 U/μL". Unit of measure is "kU". Be flexible. Hawk Z05 Fast DNA Polymerase hot start system enables amplification of both RNA and DNA targets. Experience high performance. Achieve reliable amplification of your low-copy RNA targets due to high temperature reverse transcription at +60 to +65°C and improved RNA processivity. Achieve high sensitivity. High fluorescence intensity results in lower Cp values and improves results for weakly positive samples. Prepare stable amplification mixes in dry format. Use this formulation for producing dried-down amplification mixes stable at room temperature. en HawkZ05 Fast DNA Polymerase is a blend of Z05 DNA Polymerase and a specific oligonucleotide (aptamer) providing hot start feature. The concentrated, glycerol-free formulation is ready for lyophilization and suitable for the preparation of dry amplification mix preparations. en Reversible hot start DNA polymerase with high reverse transcriptase activity for one-step RT-PCR, allowing a fast RT-step; lyo ready formulation for preparation of dried amplification mixes. en Appearance: Clear, colorless solution Volume activity: 265±65 U/μL Glycerol content: ≤0.1% (v/v) Aptamer concentration (HPLC): 188.7 μM±10% Double-strand specific endonucleases (MWM II DNA): Not detectable in 30 U enzyme after 1 hour incubation at +37 and +74°C. Double-strand specific exonucleases (MWM V DNA): Not detectable in up to 30 U enzyme after 1 hour incubation at +37°C. Double-strand specific exonucleases (MWM V DNA): Not detectable in up to 30 U enzyme after 1 hour incubation at +74°C. Stability: At -15 to -25°C within specification range for 12 months. en DNA and RNA amplificationThe HawkZ05 Fast DNA Polymerase is designed for fast, highly sensitive and specific real-time PCR analysis of DNA and RNA. The enzyme is a blend of Z05 DNA Polymerase and a specific oligonucleotide (aptamer), together providing the hot start features.Z05 Fast DNA Polymerase is the mutated, recombinant version of the thermostable enzyme isolated from the thermophilic eubacterium Thermus species Z05, expressed in E. coli. The enzyme is very similar to Tth DNA Polymerase, however, it exhibits a higher stability under PCR conditions and an improved reverse transcriptase activity.HawkZ05 Fast DNA Polymerase is suitable for detection formats such as hydrolysis probes, hybridization probes, and SYBR Green.The concentrated, glycerol-free formulation is ready for lyophilization and suitable for the preparation of dry amplification mix preparations. en
HawkZ05 Fast DNA Polymerase, 200 U/μl
mutant from Thermus species Z05, recombinant in E. coli, glycerol-free solution