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For further processing only. Others DNase I recombinant Grade I DNase I, rec., Grade I from bovine pancreas, expressed in Pichia pastoris, lyophilizate 05 952 077 103 5 952 077 103 05952077103 5952077103 05952077103 DNase I recombinant 510 KU DNase I, recombinant, Grade I Reagents, kits 510 kU Not Available CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as "DNase I recombinant 510 KU". Unit of measure is "piece". Minimum order quantity is 1 piece. 03 724 778 103 3 724 778 103 03724778103 3724778103 03724778103 DNase I rec RGI (10 KU) DNase I, recombinant, Grade I Reagents, kits 10 KU Not Available CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as "DNase I rec RGI (10 KU)". Unit of measure is "piece". Minimum order quantity is 20 pieces. 9003-98-9 en DNase I, recombinant, Grade I, originally isolated from bovine pancreas, is a recombinant enzyme expressed in Pichia pastoris. It is a glycoprotein of a molecular weight of approximately 39 kD. DNase I, recombinant, Grade I, is a DNA-specific endonuclease that hydrolyzes phosphodiester linkages of double- and single-stranded DNA to a mixture of mono- and oligonucleotides.DNase I, recombinant, Grade I, is manufactured using state-of-the-art processes yielding animal component-free material. en Recombinant DNase I is an essential tool for all applications requiring DNA-free RNA templates. en DNase I, recombinant, Grade I, is suitable for: Isolation of DNA-free RNA produced by in vitro transcriptionProducing DNA-free preparations of protein and RNA:- To ensure that RT-PCR templates are free of genomic DNA- To remove DNA templates after in vitro transcription of RNANick-translation labeling of DNA with added DNA polymerase IDetermining the "footprint" of a DNA-binding proteinMicroarray analysis en Achieve reliable results with undegraded and stable RNA. Rely on the highly purified and rigorously tested product that excludes RNase activity ensuring high sensitivity of your RT-PCR assay. Be compliant with regulatory requirements. DNase as recombinant enzyme is free of animal-derived materials. en Appearance: White to slightly yellowish lyophilizateActivity (calf thymus DNA, hydrous solution): ≥10 kU/vial lyophilizate ( 03724778103);450.0-562.5 kU ( 0592077103)Activity (calf thymus DNA, modified buffer system): No limitUnit definition: One unit according to Kunitz produces an increase in absorbance of 0.001/minute under assay conditions in 1 mL at 260 nm.Proteases (resorufin-marked casein): Not detectable in up to 50 U after 17 hours incubation at +37°C.Ribonucleases (MS2 RNA): Not detectable in up to 2 U after 4 hours incubation at +37°C.Stability: At +2 to +8°C within specification range for 24 months. en
DNase I, rec., Grade I
from bovine pancreas, expressed in Pichia pastoris, lyophilizate