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For further processing only. Others dITP PCR Grade dITP, PCR Grade sodium salt, 100 mM 12 158 124 103 12158124103 Desoxy-ITP,Na-Lsg.,(PCR-Grade) dITP, PCR Grade Reagents, kits 100 mL 10,000 μmol CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as "Desoxy-ITP, Na-Lsg., (PCR-Grade)". Unit of measure is "μmol". 6183-73-9 en dITP, PCR Grade, is designed for amplification reactions where high-quality reagents are required, such as for in vitro diagnostics. Use dITP for the preparation of poly(dI) x poly(dC) and poly[d(I-C)] with DNA polymerase and dCTP. en dITP, PGR Grade, is supplied in sealed and CO2-proof bottles to ensure a stable pH during shipment on dry ice. The manufacturing process is fully validated including the final filling step. The pH is adjusted to match conditions for amplification. en High quality dITP from the leading manufacturer of nucleotides for the preparation of polynucleotides. en Appearance: Clear, colorless solution pH value: 8.1-8.5 dITP (1 μmol ≙ 12.3 A249 units, pH 7.0): 100-110 mmol/L dITP (high resolution HPLC method): ≥99 area% dIDP (HPLC): ≤0.9 area% DNases/RNases: Negative Nicking activity: Negative A250/A260: 1.67±0.03 A280/A260: 0.25±0.03 A290/A260: 0.03±0.02 Stability: At -15 to -25°C within specification range for 42 months. en