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For quality control/manufacturing of IVD/medical devices/pharmaceutical products only. Others Calibrator C Bio Calibrator C Bio for Cedex® Bio and Cedex® Bio HT Analyzers Calibrator C Bio 07613336131053 6 x 1 mL CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. true Unit of measure is "piece". Calibrator C Bio 07020716001 Not Available Calibrator en Calibrator C Bio is intended for calibration of quantitative assays of the Cedex Bio and Cedex Bio HT Analyzers* for the following tests:Asparagine (ASNLB, ASNHB, ASNHD)Aspartate (ASPB, ASPD)Calcium (CA2B, CA2D)Iron (FE2B, FE2D)Magnesium (MG2L, MG2B) en Multi-calibrator solution. en Appearance: clear, colorless solution.Stability: At +2 to +8°C within specification for 12 months.