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For further processing into IVD products and medical devices only. Others AptaTaq Genotyping Master AptaTaq Genotyping Master 5x concentrated 05 890 152 103 5 890 152 103 05890152103 5890152103 05890152103 AptaTaq Genotyping Master AptaTaq Genotyping Master 07613336130919 Reagents, kits custom fill Not Available CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as ''AptaTaq Genotyping Master''. Unit of measure is ''mL''. 05 955 807 103 5 955 807 103 05955807103 5955807103 05955807103 AptaTaq Genotyping Master, 10ml AptaTaq Genotyping Master 07613336130957 Reagents, kits 10 mL Not Available CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as ''AptaTaq Genotyping Master, 10 mL''. Unit of measure is ''piece''. EC en AptaTaq DNA Master is a 5x concentrated, ready-to-use, one component hot start PCR mix, containing AptaTaq DNA Polymerase in an optimized concentration for the amplification of difficult sample types, reaction buffer, and a dNTP mix using dUTP instead of dTTP (for prevention of DNA contamination by PCR carryover by pretreatment with Uracil-DNA Glycosylase). en Reduce time to result. Save up to 15 minutes per run by omitting the initial activation step required by chemically modified hot start polymerases, and reduce cycling time with fast protocols. Ready for robotics. Rely on the stability of the AptaTaq Genotyping Master mix for PCR automation. The viscosity of the master mix is optimized for accurate pipetting. The mix is stable during setup and on the stacker for more than 24 hours. Gain flexibility. The 5x concentrated master mix enables you to vary reaction volume and sample input for outstanding results. Use AptaTaq Genotyping Master mix for all real-time PCR instruments not requiring Rox normalization. For instruments requiring Rox normalization, use AptaTaq Genotyping Master (Rox). Benefit from high stability. Keep the master mix in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks and profit from a quick setup without thawing first. en Reversible hot start DNA master mix without initial activation step for maximum stability combined with sensitivity and specificity; lyo ready formulation for preparation of dried amplification mixes. en Appearance: Clear, colorless solutionPerformance test in qPCR using ABI 7500(human genomic DNA, CycA fragment): Corresponds to specification(human genomic DNA, β-globin fragment): Corresponds to specification(human genomic DNA, ApoE fragment): Corresponds to specificationStability: At -15 to -25°C within specification range for 12 months. en The AptaTaq Genotyping Master is a ready-to-use hot start reaction mix designed specifically for genotyping (SNP analysis endpoint genotyping or melting curve analysis) or for qPCR applications where inhibitors are present.It is optimized for the use with Hydrolysis probes but can also be used with HybProbe probes.The kit can also help prevent carryover contamination during PCR when used with LightCycler® Uracil-DNA Glycosylase or to perform the second step of a two-step RT-PCR.The amplicon size should not exceed 700 bp in length. For optimal results, select a product length of 100 to 500 bp for monoplex and <350 bp for multiplex assays. en