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For further processing only. Others alpha-Ketoglutarate 2-Oxoglutarate disodium salt α-Ketoglutarate (2-Oxoglutarate) disodium salt, dihydrate 10040584103 a-Ketoglutarate (a-Oxoglutarate), Di-Na alpha-Ketoglutarate (2-Oxoglutarate) Reagents, kits custom fill Not Available CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as "α-Ketoglutarate (a-Oxoglutarate), Di-Na". Unit of measure is "kg". Additional formulation: Crystallized free acid, Catalog No. 10 156 736 103 305-72-6 en Use α-Ketoglutarate in a variety of diagnostic tests, such as for the determination of glutamate dehydrogenase, ammonia, alanine- and aspartate aminotransferases and urea. The dihydrate formulation is well suited for dry chemistry tests. en Substrate in enzymatic reactions with glutamate dehydrogenase or transaminases en Appearance: White to yellowish, crystalline powderSolubility: Clear, colourless to yellowish solution in water, pH 7.3 (c=200 mg/mL)A405 (against water): ≤0.020α-Ketoglutarate, salt (based on value found enzymatically): ≥97%α-Ketoglutarate, free acid (enzymatic): ≥63%Na (flame photometric): 20.5±1%Water (K. Fischer): 15±2%Heavy metals (as Pb): ≤20 ppmStability: At +15 to +25°C within specification range for 24 months. en