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For further processing only. Others ADP potassium salt ADP potassium salt 10233528103 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate (ADP), K-Salt ADP 14038377155330 Reagents, kits custom fill Not Available CustomBiotech product. Please contact your local representative. Will be supplied as "Adenosine-5'-diphosphate (ADP), K-Salt". Unit of measure is "kg". 72696-48-1 en Cofactor for diagnostic tests. en Use ADP in variety of diagnostic tests, such as for the determination of creatine kinase and pyruvate kinase. Use it also for the activation of glutamate dehydrogenase in the determination of for example urea or ammonia. en Appearance: Colorless crystals Solubility: Clear, colorless solution in water (c=50 mg/mL) ADP-K x 2 H2O (based on value found enzymatically): ≥98% ADP (enzymatic): ≥84% ADP (A260, ε= 15 [L x mmol-1 x cm-1]): ≥84% K (flame photometric): 7.8±0.5% Water (K. Fischer): 7.2±1% Pi (Fiske and Subbarow): ≤0.3% AMP (enzymatic): ≤1% ATP (enzymatic): ≤0.2% NH4 (enzymatic): ≤0.005% A250/A260: 0.78±0.02 A280/A260: 0.16±0.01 A290/A260: ≤0.01 Stability: At +2 to +8°C within specification range for 24 months. Store dry. en