
Your source of an indispensable resource: dNTPs for PCR assays

When did you last think about the quality and certainty of your dNTP supply?

Events over the last few years have foreshadowed a future where the research and translation of biomedical advances must anticipate the uncertain. Numerous developments – from climate change to globalization and political instability – paint a new reality, where ensuring that healthcare advances reach intended users means securing every step of the value chain in a rather unpredictable world.

At Roche CustomBiotech, we saw that clearly with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. As demand for our high-performance raw materials grew, we faced precisely that unpredictability. How much will be needed? Can we build out capacities to be responsive to fluctuations in requests but robust to bottlenecks in our own supply chain? Today, we have answers. Today, we are prepared.

Under the accelerated innovation pace to manage the pandemic, a commonly ignored family of reagents moved into the forefront: dNTPs.

are at the heart of any PCR-based assay but often neglected as a non-critical, low-cost component. However, given heightened competition in the biomedical and diagnostics markets, how will you secure a steady supply of dNTPs in the face of a new global emergency?

How will you keep short your path from development to deployment if you are forced to source your dNTPs from several, varying suppliers?

The work we’ve done over the last two years eliminates those questions.
Our manufacturing is security by design.

cb capacity

Magnified capacity
We have invested in our manufacturing capacity, increasing our production lines in number and scale. We are certain that we can handle any rise in demand for molecular testing, whichever the cause.

cb lot-to-lot consistency

Lot-to-lot consistency
Boosted capacity does not mean sacrificed quality. Every dNTP lot meets narrow specifications to ensure consistent quality. You save time and money invested in validating, troubleshooting, and optimizing less well-characterized materials.

cb scalability

Flexible scalability
We’ve designed our scaling process to be responsive and efficient. Thus, we can also adapt to your changing needs for dNTPs. Count on a single high-quality supplier from early development to successful commercialization.

cb safety in crises
Safety in crises
Disruptions in global activities cannot be avoided but their impact can be mitigated. As a high scale manufacturer, we can work with you to ensure an uninterrupted supply of dNTPs regardless of the crisis at hand.

Today more than ever, safeguarding the complete value chain of biomedical and diagnostic tools is the responsibility of all stakeholders in their creation, production and distribution. We at Roche CustomBiotech recognize our role in reaching that goal. We have the manufacturing capacity to make a difference, and we believe that uncertainty is no hinderance to enabling tomorrow’s innovations.

Regulatory disclaimers are listed on the respective product pages.