
A mobile robotic lab assistant couples an automated bioreactor farm to the Cedex Bio HT Analyzer next door

Robotic sample delivery from cultivation platform to analyzer

A robotic solution allows for fully automated cultivation control for bioprocess development

Parallelized small-scale bioreactor experiments are often used in bioprocess development to boost time and cost efficiency of optimization efforts. That efficiency is restricted, however, when sampling and analytical procedures are carried out manually. Then, high throughput is either labor-intensive or unattainable, and the lag between sampling and analysis results prevents implementing monitor-and-adjust feedback loops.

The goal in many labs is to reduce hands on interventions towards fully integrated, automated workflows, by integrating high-throughput analyzers that perform atline determination of cell density, metabolites, and substrates. Applying a moving robot allows for a high grade of integration even if the analyzer is not located adjacent to the bio-reactor platform - even if it is placed in a different room than the cultivation platform.

Therefore, instrument footprints and available laboratory space do not have to hinder the flow of samples and data any more.

Automated Bioprocess Feedback Operation in a High-Throughput Facility via the Integration of a Mobile Robotic Lab Assistant  

The authors of this publication solve that spatial disconnect via a mobile lab robot that retrieves, transports, and loads 96-well plates of samples taken automatically from experimental bioreactors onto a Cedex Bio HT Analyzer.

The result is a fully integrated cultivation system that achieves high cell densities through an automated feedback loop regulating the addition of magnesium to bioreactors. The system represents a data-driven platform to accelerate bioprocess development that is flexibly expandable to different scales and workflows.

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For use in quality control / manufacturing process only.