Panel discussion: Current & future realities of mRNA process development

Can We Do Better? Current & Future Realities of mRNA Process Development

On demand recording available

There’s been great progress in establishing processes and platforms for linear mRNA vaccines — but where does this current know-how fall short for those exploring linear and next-gen RNA constructs for therapeutic (non-vaccine) products? This advancing RNA Live panel discussion will dig into the current known unknowns (and unknown unknowns) about our mRNA therapeutic candidates that make adopting the traditional Quality by Design (QbD) approach complicated in the mRNA therapeutics space today.

Together, we’ll unpack how companies can best navigate an evolving R&D landscape and an immature analytical paradigm while working internally and/or with contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMO) partners to confidently answer the question, “What actually is good enough?” as it relates to our therapeutics’ process development.

Watch this panel discussion sponsored by Roche CustomBiotech and gain valuable insights into mRNA therapeutics process development
See recording here