Product Portfolio

In vitro Glycoengineering of therapeutic proteins

Take control of glycosylation with in vitro glycoengineering  

Variation in glycosylation can impact the safety and efficacy profiles of a therapeutic product. With the right tools, glycosylation management can be uncoupled from the entangled processes of fermentation allowing you to pursue separate strategies to optimize glycosylation and yield, granting greater control over each.

Certain glycoforms can be enriched in downstream processing using discrete enzymatic reactions with clear kinetics and predictable outcomes. Resources are no longer wasted on uncertain tweaking of the bioprocess, leading to faster development as well as improved control of the manufacturing process.

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Possibilities in glycosylation

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Optimization of glycosylation

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IVGE scale up and value

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Mycoplasma rendering

Are you ready to optimize both glycosylation and yield?
The IVGE approach decouples glycosylation from the entangled processes of fermentation. With greater and separate control of each, both glycosylation and yield can be optimized quickly and safely. See how LakePharma controls glycosylation.

The tools to steer glycosylation

The CustomBiotech in vitro glycosylation toolbox is a portfolio of well-characterized enzymes and activated sugars designed for specific and efficient alteration of sugar moieties.

Developed in partnership with Roche Pharma to meet quality and manufacturing requirements of the biopharmaceutical industry, the toolbox is the product of an ongoing, innovative program aimed at facilitating controlled manipulation of glycopatterns.

The glycosyltransferases and glycosidases in the portfolio have demonstrated high activity on a variety of glycoproteins, meet stringent pharmaceutical standards, and are available in gram to kilogram amounts and GMP-quality upon request.

Regulatory disclaimers are listed on the respective product page.

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